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Monthly Archives: May 2010

My friend’s light. Stunning paper flowers.

I like the juxtaposition here….Justin’s fans get younger every day

Karen on her iPhone:)

Sunday morning saw me hanging out with the girls down by the skate park near Wellington’s water front. I’m not sure I had noticed the marae-style gateway to the park before today, but the contrast between that and the graffiti nearby was interesting, in terms of both colour and culture. What statement, if any, is made by taking a shot that includes them both?  No colour enhancement on this, btw.

This is one of four sculptures outside the Museum Hotel. I have enhanced the colour (they are normally a rusted browny-red) to emphasise the impact that they make. Snapped this whilst driving past.

7am this morning. Stunning – and brief.

I like the hint of Autumn sky behind here, and the way the branches frame the tower.

Shot on 13 May 2010

Crown Plaza(?) at Wellington, winking its red and green lights in the gathering gloom. Going home from work in the dark:-(

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Several shots from last week, tardily posted.

Homemade brooch, crafted by five-year old hands.

Karen on her iPhone:)

As seen on Plimmer Steps in Wellington CBD.

Graffiti? Art? Political statement?